Winners of the 2019 MERC Yearbook Cover Contest凱風年刊封面設計優勝
1st Place第一名:梅宸睿 2nd Place第二名:葉慧琳 3rd Place第三名:郭穎妍 Winners of the 2018-2019 Academic Contest 學術比賽優勝名單 Pencil Calligraphy 鉛筆書法 A組: 張俊隆 魏玲玲 梁中誠 B組: 唐梓惠 王穎如 Meghan Olivares C組: 何嘉慧 Oral Reading 國語朗讀 A組: 黃銘鴻 B組: 余安祖 C組: 朴秀煥 Allison Leal-Esparza Kaylyne Wong-Many Jaden Coleman Drawing 西 畫 A組: 魏娜娜 李智昇 古艾力 B組: 黃宇成 張凱傑 歐柏軒 關卓希 C組 : 謝超孔 郭文熙 曾洛莜 梁湘苓 D組: Kaileigh Wong-Many 余禮伊 陳榆涵 Brush Calligraphy 毛筆書法 A組:吉思 Hanyu Pinyin 漢語拼音 A組:滕銘傑 B 組:梅宸睿 The Association of Northern California Chinese Schools starts accepting the artwork for the 2019 Chinese New Year Poster Contest now. All of the students are encouraged to participate in this festive art activity. Below please find an award winning poster by Tomi Chen, student of C7 class, from last year for your reference. The red construction paper (23 x 35, $5 each) is available at the front desk. Please also check with the front desk for the details about the contest.
A Fire Drill will be conducted this Saturday, 10/6 at MERC Chinese School. Purpose: Help students, parents and staff in an emergency situation be able to promptly evacuate their rooms and proceed to the assembly area. It is anticipated the MERC community will benefit from the fire drill and be better aware of the importance of safety. 親愛的凱風家長和老師們:
謹此提醒各位家長和老師有關 10/06/18,星期六, 緊急疏散練習的程序和注意事項。 此次練習盼望老師和家長們全力支持,通力合作,以達到演習的效果, 使學生們認識安全的重要性. 緊急疏散練習 Fire Drill 目的 : 在緊急情況發生時, 老師, 學生, 和家長, 都知道如何在最短的時間內,以最快的速度離開教室, 遵守秩序, 循規定的路線,到達預定的安全集合地點。 時間 : 10/06/2018, 星期六 地點 : Hayward Adult School 海沃市成人學校 負責人 : Ms. Connie Ma, Interim Principal 程序 : 1. 10 月 6 日上課時, 各班老師先告訴學生, 今天將有緊急疏散練習,並加以解釋此練習的目的和程序。 2. 9:25 am 上課期間會聽到哨音, 即是緊急疏散的信號。 3. 每位學生立刻離開座位, 在教室門口排成一隊, 由老師帶領迅速離開教室, 前往操場集合。 - C2,由前門(面向圖書館)疏散,繞過草地,到達操場集合. - C1A, C1B, C3, C4/C5, C6/7/8 由後門(面向操場)疏散,到達操場集合. 4. 每位老師請記得: - 攜帶學生名冊,以便清點人數 - 關燈 (可請家長幫忙) - 關門 (可請家長幫忙) 5. 待全班學生到達操場後, 老師立刻點名, 學生必須大聲清晰地回應,以證明每位學生都到齊. 請各班老師務必確實執行此項工作,符合演習專業的規定。 6. 待各班老師點名完畢,確定每位學生都到齊後,請向負責人報告。 7. 待每班老師報告學生都到齊後,由負責人講評。 8. 全程活動將計時, 並宣佈完成集合和點名最迅速的班級。 9. 全程活動自離開教室,操場集合,至點名完畢,以三分鐘為完成目標。 10. 最後,以搖鈴結束此項練習,各班老師將學生帶回教室。 謝謝大家的合作! Thank you for your Cooperation! The Annual Distinguished Teacher’s Award Ceremony sponsored by the Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS) and Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) was held at the Chinese Culture Center in Milpitas, on Sunday, 9/23. Teachers from MERC Kaifeng Chinese School凱風中文學校 were recognized in the ceremony.
Principal Wu 吳建華校長 and Ms. Sophie Yang 楊盛芬老師were recognized by OCAC for their excellence in teaching and dedication to the Chinese language and culture education over the past 10 years. Ms. Janis Wu 吳淑娟老師 and Ms. Ruey Syrop 林瑞芳老師were also recognized by OCAC for their excellence in teaching and dedication to the Chinese language and culture education over the past 5 years. Ms. Jane Yang 吳宜真老師 and Ms. Megan Hickman were recognized by ANCCS in the same ceremony, for their 5 years in the service of delivering Chinese language and culture Education to the Bay Area communities. Congratulations to our Wonderful Teachers! August 31, 2018
Dear Parents, Teachers and Students, Welcome back to another exciting year of learning at MERC Chinese School凱風中文學校. The 2018-2019 school year begins on Saturday, 9/8 at the Hayward Adult School (HAS) campus. The campus will open at 8:30 am, and the classes will begin at 8:45 am. We also wish to announce that due to health reasons, Principal Wu will leave the principal's position and take the post of the Treasurer this year. We sincerely wish Principal Wu a very speedy recovery. Meanwhile, Ms. Connie Ma will assume the position of our Interim Principal. We welcome Principal Ma and extend our deep appreciation to her for her dedication to our school. This staff change takes effect immediately. We wish to keep you updated on the following as well. 1. Please be aware that only fully enrolled students are allowed in their classrooms on the opening day. In order for your child to have an uninterrupted first day of school, if you have not registered your child, please do so as quickly as possible. 2. An enrollment confirmation packet was mailed on 8/20, to the families who have completed the registration. If you have any questions regarding the information enclosed, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist. If your child has registered but did not receive the confirmation packet, please contact us as soon as possible. We can be reached by phone, (510) 995- 6675, or by email, [email protected] . 3. Please be reminded, HAS campus is wide spread and composed of several buildings. For your convenience and better security, MERC’s activities will center around Building B. There are doors at both ends of the Building. The HAS Saturday supervisor is housed in Building B and easily accessible. 4. We also want to bring an urgent need to your attention. The post of PTA president is still pending. The PTA president holds a leading role in facilitating many school activities and works closely with the administrative team. We invite you to step forward to direct or co-direct the PTA this year. Please let us know if you are interested in taking this most rewarding post. We will greatly appreciate your timely support. 5. We want to thank the teachers for their efforts in preparing for their classes during summer. Their class assignments for the 2018-2019 school year are as follows. C1A – Ms. Siew-Chin Yeong C1B – Ms. Diana Kuo C2 – Ms. Melissa Hung C3 – Ms. Janis Wu C4/C5 – Ms. Sally Chou C6/7/8 Middle School – Ms. Ruey Syrop Abacus Class – Ms. Sally Chou Chinese Calligraphy – Ms. Ruey Syrop Mixed Media Art Class – Ms. Vanessa Wee We look forward to seeing all of you at MERC Chinese School this coming Saturday, 9/8. Sincerely, MERC Admin Team |