Job Oppurtunities|招聘教師、行政如果您教學生動活潑,有一定的英文基礎, 歡迎有興趣成為凱風中文或文化才藝的教師們趕緊來跟我們報名吧! 性别不拘、年齡不限,具中文或相關語言教學經驗,或具有特殊文化才藝可。
Please fill out the application form with your plain-text resume included for your desired position. All positions are part-time. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Position: 中文班教師
教師職責: 每位教師的職責如下 每位教師的職責如下:
教師資格: 申請者須具備以下資格 申請者須具備以下資格:
若您對以上中文教師職位有興趣,可填表送出申請,也可將您的履歷表逕寄至 [email protected]
- 班級管理: 觀察並書面記錄學生出勤,考試,每週功課,錄音作業和課堂行為表現。
- 教學設計:製作ㄧ學年教學進度表,編寫每週教案,配合主題設計教學活動,運用網路資源,充實補充教材,佈置每週書寫和錄音作業,並以網路平台與學生互動。
- 專業進修:由學校支持每位教師,每年參加兩次教師研習課程。
- 與家長溝通:每週保持與家長溝通。溝通方式可採用聯絡信,Email, Edmodo, Moodle 等數位平台。
- 與學校配合: 教學活動的設計以配合學校多元文化的教育宗旨,和以學生為中心的教育目標為原則。並積極參與教職員專業進修計畫。
教師資格: 申請者須具備以下資格 申請者須具備以下資格:
- 中文聽,說,讀,寫和打字均達到流利程度。
- 能夠教繁體字教材,並能讀和寫相對應的簡體字。
- 熟練使用數位工具輔助教學,例如,Word, PowerPoint, Edmodo, Youtube, Google Voice...等等
- 具有在海外教中文的經驗為佳。
若您對以上中文教師職位有興趣,可填表送出申請,也可將您的履歷表逕寄至 [email protected]
Position: Webmaster Volunteer
We're looking for parents who'd like to plan and execute on improving web presence online for MERC and Kai-Feng. You'll have the opportunity to show us how to make it better and/or you'll be learning how to do it from scratch. This is volunteer position to gain something to add to your working history. There's no limitation as to how much or how little you need to do. It'll sure be fun and challenging regardless your level of web knowledge.
We need ongoing help on the following areas:
- acquire Facebook fan signup
- updates Facebook status
- share useful school related tips/jokes/stuff
- gossip online
- other (e.g. LinkedIn) social media
- blog writing (Chinese writing not required, though is a plus)
- food-sale listing
- online fundraising
- online customer relationship/parent inquiries
- eLearning resources/material
- Improve MERC timeline
- Other site enhancements.
Product Ideas
- Coordinate web presence with PTA needs
- align online marketing with MERC staff
- solicit/present proposal that utilize web channels
We need ongoing help on the following areas:
- acquire Facebook fan signup
- updates Facebook status
- share useful school related tips/jokes/stuff
- gossip online
- other (e.g. LinkedIn) social media
- blog writing (Chinese writing not required, though is a plus)
- food-sale listing
- online fundraising
- online customer relationship/parent inquiries
- eLearning resources/material
- Improve MERC timeline
- Other site enhancements.
Product Ideas
- Coordinate web presence with PTA needs
- align online marketing with MERC staff
- solicit/present proposal that utilize web channels